The support provided by the Educational and Psychological Coordination is mainly based on the following programs:
Attention to applicants wishing to enter the UABC.
Updated information is provided on each of the careers offered by our university to support the applicant's decision on which career to study.
Dissemination and professional information in institutions of higher secondary education (IEMS)
Participation in the annual meeting of Vocational Counselors of the IEMS.
A professional information cycle is organized in which, through conferences and forums, it offers the opportunity to know the content of the careers and be in contact with each Academic Unit. These conferences offer the opportunity to ask and clarify the doubts that could be generated about the career, school, faculty or institute you wish to enter.
Provision of individual and / or group information services to applicants to enter the academic unit.
Update of the triptychs of diffusion of the different careers offered.
Attention to new students.
Organization and participation in the anual Induction Course.
Teaching of the Induction Course, which has the goal of making the new student identify with our school and for the student to adapt to their new academic environment.
In said course, all of the following aspects will be adressed:
1. Guidance will be provided to improve student learning, stimulating their thinking skills, teaching techniques and habits so that their study can perform as well as the development of their skills for reading, oral and written expression.
You are given basic information about university regulations, curriculum, administrative procedures and university services.
Training of new external facilitators for the induction course.
Organization of activities for the Open House aimed at parents of new students.
Psychopedagogical support to university students.
Providing attention if the student is stressed, unmotivated or has doubts about their abilities to face one or more conflicts.
Providing information on sex education or for the prevention of drug use.
Giving vocational guidance when the student has confusion around his or her vocation.
Attending to the student when facing family, couple or physical problems that interfere with their studies.
Publishing information through mural newspapers, conferences, courses, workshops or individual advice on:
Sex education (prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and pregnancy while studying).
Development of thinking skills, techniques and study habits.
Techniques for stress management.
Prevention in the use of legal and illegal drugs.
Guidance on depression (suicide, sexual abuse, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, aggression and violence).
Promotion of ethical and moral values.
Psycho-pedagogical support for learning processes
Advice to teaching staff in the development of material for:
Improve school performance.
Value training and skills development.
Coordination of courses / workshops relevant to teachers (group management, values, thinking skills, etc.)
Organization of conferences, panels or forums relevant to the learning process and taught to teachers.
Diffusion and Communication.
Design and semi-annual implementation of an internal dissemination campaign on psycho-pedagogical services, aimed at students, academic and administrative staff of the academic unit.
Participation as an organizer in academic events of the academic unit.